2010-12-12 04:59:35 UTC
Dear host family
My name is xxxxx and I am currently 15 years old. I live in a small town, in Denmark, named Roskilde. Roskilde is a great place to grow up, there live around 50000 people and is a very safe and quit place. Here I live with my mom, dad and my sister, who is 4 years younger than me. I go to a nearby public school, named Østervangsskolen(which you probably will have a hard time pronouncing) I am a pretty average teenager, from a middle class family, both my parents are from China, Shanghai, and that makes me, well Chinese. But even though I have an Asian background, I don't feel any less Danish, than any of my classmates for example, because I have been born and raised in Denmark.
I enjoy sport very much. I used to play badminton that I did for 2 years, until my club closed. I have also practiced fencing, swimming and soccer, but I stopped practicing those sports, because they simply didn’t suit me. But I hope that I will find a new sport in USA that I find interesting.
As for hobbies I spend a lot of time with my friends who mean a lot to me, we usually go eat or play some soccer. Like all teenage boys, I also enjoy playing a video game, from time to time. Another thing I enjoy much, is reading, as soon as I start reading, I don't let go off the book, before the last page is turned. I am also a big music fan, I have a very broad taste in music, and I almost like music from all genres.
Traveling is one of my big passions, when I go travel, the things I love to do is just to act as local as possible, like strolling the streets, and eating at the restaurant around the corner and just feel the atmosphere in the city.
I love trying new things that also includes food, and I am defiantly not picky. I am always up for a new challenge, which is also one of many reasons, I have chosen to come and stay in America for 10 months. I am a calm and easygoing type, and I am always in a good mood, and my mood mostly, also spreads to the people around me. I am very helpful, and I don’t mind helping around in the house, which I am also used to at home. I am a very social person, I feel uneasy, when I am not around other people, for longer periods being, I make friends easily and I click with a lot of different types, and I am a very open person. I love to just have fun but I also enjoy a calm conversation. I am also a very independent person, and I am used to do things on my own. But I do have some faults to, I can be a little bit messy and clumsy. But I am aware of these facts, and I constantly work to improve myself. I am a animal person, and I like animals very much, especially cats and dogs, so it would defiantly be a plus for me, if you had pets.
Being a exchange student is a dream, for many reasons. I just know that it will be an outstanding experience, and a unforgettable memory. Besides that, I just love learning about other cultures, and getting to know new people. Of course it would be awesome to perfect my English in America, but for me it’s more about the great experience.
Why America? Well, some time ago, I went to USA, and in just 2 weeks in your wonderful country, I completely fell in love with America. The atmosphere, the friendliness people, well almost everything. So for me, there isn’t a single place, I would rather study 10 months in, than America.
So dear host family, please help me fulfill my dream, and pick me.